This propelled him to work with the Canadian and eventually sign Treaty Six. Our young men are foolish, it may not last long. Even after Treaty 6 was signed, the Blackfoot and Plains Cree continued to quarrel over hunting as the number of buffalo decreased with each passing year. Chief Vernon Watchmaker There were a lot of doubts and heavy conversations among the First Nations, they were not convinced that this new way of life would be able to sustain them into the future. Chief Sweet Grass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed Treaty 6 on September 9, 1876, with the Fort Pitt Indians, but was killed about six months later. [56] The tactic of withholding food from reserves will be used by the Canadian government to force cooperation. a. Treaty 6 included terms that had not been incorporated into Treaties 1 to 5, including a medicine chest at the house of the Indian agent on the reserve, protection from famine and pestilence, more agricultural implements, and on-reserve education. Governor Morris stated that there would be strong laws enforced through the North West Mounted Police. Like the earlier agreements this treaty called on the natives to surrender their aboriginal title to the lands they inhabited In return they were promised reserves education and farming supplies and the right to hunt trap and fish as well as annual cash payments. 11 Where was the Treaty 6 of 1876 signed? Currently the band controls 20,354.6 ha of land, the largest block of which is located 26 km west of North Battleford. Popular. Reverend McKay translated Big Bears words, and when Morris heard this he interpreted it to mean that Big Bear did not want to be hanged by the government. [4] His name, Sweet Grass was inspired by an audacious feat that he attempted as a youth. It does not store any personal data. The band had instead sent a messenger to attend the negotiations. [3] After being forced to set up camp along a river due to a snow storm, a member of their war party left to collect food and spotted a lone member of the Blackfoot on foot rounding up horses. A chief needed to be an active leader both in peace and war. Adhesions continued into the 20th century, with the bands of Rocky Mountain House (May 1944 and 1950), Witchekan Lake (November 1950) and Cochin (August 1954 and May 1956). 6 Recognition Day in 2013. Sweet Grass converted to Christianity in 1870, [25] being baptized into Catholicism with the name Abraham. So they were not present during the negotiations. The government wanted tribes to become more democratic in its governing of the reserves and rely less on the chiefs who traditionally were the leaders of the community. There was much debate and discussions that took place with the First Nations participants, but the Queens representatives were eager to conclude the deal with the First Nations. The reserve was established as part of Treaty 6 when Chief Sweetgrass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed Treaty 6 on September 9, 1876. [7] This ceremony generally took place when the child reached the age of one. Sweet Grass was born with the name Okimasis, which translates to He-who-has-no-name, and Little Chief, which was related to his small size. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The aim of peace and friendship treaties (1725-1779) to stabilize trade and relations. Chief Sweet Grass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed Treaty 6 on . The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. This has led to conflict over the clauses of the agreement. [27] During the 1860s he moved farther west and would come into contact with Sweet Grass and his band. According to Erasmus, Mistawasis and Ahtukukoop essentially silenced Pitikwahanapiwiyin and other dissenters. Sweetgrass First Nation -- Web Design by M.R. [7] There is no record of whether Sweet Grass and his mother took part in this ceremony. Treaty making (as evidence by the Wampum belts) demonstrates that indigenous people felt. The bearer of the sacred stem Wah-wee-kah-nich-ka-oh-tah-mah-hote (the man you strike on the back) carried the decorated pipe stem, and walked slowly along the semi circle of people to the front. His goal was to spread the Roman Catholic faith to the Western parts of Canada. per family of five. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Chief Sweet Grass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed Treaty 6 on September 9, 1876, with the Fort Pitt Indians, but was killed about six months later. Its used to categorize all Indigenous Peoples from across Canada as one big homogenized group. [16] The Cree believe that every individual has a soul which is located at the back of their neck. Sweet Grass was one of the Chiefs who was more willing to work with them. He attempted to take Sweet Grass's pistol and it accidentally discharged, resulting in his death.[5]. John A. Macdonald did not want to go to war with the First Nations as the Americans were in the south to attain lands. Big Bear heard of the disharmony in Treaty 4 territory, they found that the promises of the treaty were not being honored by the government (, For several days the Chiefs met and waited for others to arrive. He was succeeded by his son, Apseenes (Young Sweet Grass). He recounted the important points the Chiefs expressed regarding their physical and cultural survival, recounted the moving speeches of Ahtahkakoop and Mistawasis, and the special provisions that they negotiated to be included. They believed that their people would suffer if they did not negotiate a treaty with the federal government. What Treaty 6 peoples are close to Edmonton? (Christensen 270). There were many subsequent adhesions to the treaty by individual bands, well into the 20th century. He was unable to hold the band together, which began to splinter. Are catch-up contributions subject to ADP testing. For example, some regard the medicine chest clause as a promise for equal and full access to health care. Chief Beardy then refused to be part of the negotiations at Fort Carlton and Morris understood this would be a problem to the Treaty process for the Willow Cree(Stonechild and Waiser 11). [55] In the years after settlement, the Sweetgrass reserve would continue to be affected by famine and disease. [15] However, this almighty creator appeared to individuals through various sprits such as the bear and horse. Morris statement about reserves was immediately met with resistance by Pitikwahanapiwiyin (Poundmaker), a local leader who became a great chief in the 1880s. [32] Sweet Grass along with three other Chiefs attempted to get ahead of government control by meeting with the representative of the Canadian government in the west Lieutenant Governor Archibald to petition the Hudson's Bay Company's (HBC) sale of land to the government. While traditions within tribes remained significant, the Cree became more receptive to different denominations of Christianity. There are 1,577 registered members, 537 of whom live on reserve. This became one of many classic misinterpretations of the Treaty process as viewed in history. In the 1970s and 1980s, the Indian Association of Alberta and the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations conducted reports that outlined elders views on the treaty and on the concept of land cession. The Chiefs hired Peter Erasmus, a Mtis, to interpret for them during the proceedings and his role became integral to both sides. Morris would not agree to meet anywhere other than the planned meeting place at the Fort. Despite it being a highly valuable horse Sweetgrass traded it for an inferior one, understanding the importance of the group over the individual. Dickieson, Mistahimaskwa referred to the treaty as a dreaded rope to be about my neck. Mistahimaskwa was not referring to a literal hanging (which is what some government officials had believed), but to the loss of his and his peoples freedom, and Indigenous loss of control over land and resources. . He was unable to hold the band together, which began to splinter. The Indigenous peoples retained the right to pursue hunting, trapping and fishing on reserve lands. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. [3] They bonded over sharing the characteristic of being small, but mighty warriors. He raised the stem to the heavens, then slowly turned to the north, south, east, and west - presenting the stem at each point. Mistawasis had one last request and wanted to know how the Half-Breeds would be taken care of, as some had lived amongst them. Mistawasis asked Pitikwahanapiwiyin, Have you anything better to offer our people? Pitikwahanapiwiyin did not respond to that question directly, but held firm in his beliefs that the treaty terms were unfair and inadequate. [50] The primary goal of the raid was to get supplies, but it after some pushback from the settlers it quickly became violent. They had sent a war party to a Blackfoot camp and killed 18 Blackfeet in addition to stealing horses. Some, but not all, locals met them. He was succeeded by his son, Apseenes (Young Sweet Grass). 6 First Nations. This made the Plains Cree very nervous and they confronted the surveyors and warned them to stop what they were doing because the government had not met with them to discuss their concerns. Chief Minahikosis (Little Pine) and other Cree leaders of the Saskatchewan District were also opposed to the terms, arguing that the treaty provided little protections for their people. At that time, they as well were facing low fur prices, and poor hunting and fishing. After the raid, they moved back to the reserve with the captured supplies without another incident. It was required to distinguish themselves during a war, as a provider, and as a generous giver to gain this position. [40] Although it is not known which of the Cree Chiefs supported an unexpected attack on a Blackfoot Chief, it is known that Sweet Grass was not among them. While there was a Cree verbal translation, the Treaty was made in English. They were unaware of the negotiations at Fort Carlton and thought they would not be coming for another month or so. The treaty annuities are annual cash payments distributed by the Government of Canada to the descendants of the Indigenous peoples who signed the RobinsonSuperior and RobinsonHuron treaties and the Numbered Treaties. In the face of survival, the Cree started to assemble and meet with one another to discuss their approach to the government. This took much time but the Chiefs appeared to be satisfied with what the government was offering. At the beginning of 1870, buffalo were plentiful within the plains. What is the difference between Treaty 6 and Treaty 7? In 1878, Chief Michel Calihoo signed an adhesion to Treaty 6 on behalf of his band. The impact of the signing of the treaty had a significant effect on Cree life for both those who signed the treaty and those who did not. Treaty 6 was signed in 1876. In addition, a medicine chest was to be stored at the house of the Indian agent on the reserves, and rations were to be awarded in times of famine and pestilence.. In order to attract the governments attention, in July 1875, the Cree stopped members of the Geological Survey in North Saskatchewan from moving any farther through their territory. The treaty boundaries extend across central portions of present-day, On 27 July 1876, Morris left for Fort Carlton to negotiate a treaty with the Plains Indigenous peoples of Saskatchewan. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. He attempted to take Sweet Grasss pistol and it accidentally discharged, resulting in his death. As this agreement is the first legal agreement between these Indigenous groups and the new Canadian government, which continued to impact and facilitate interactions between them. Using this discontent, Chief Wandering Spirit gathered support and began to purses more aggressive policies towards settlers. [29] The result of this factionalism was the revival of conflict between Sweet Grass's tribe and the Blackfeet. Claiming lands for the sake of the tribe b. The First Nations knew that treaties were being negotiated to the east of them and wanted to speak with the government about their future (Miller, Ray and Tough 135). What were the main terms of Treaty 6? Chief Sweetgrass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed Treaty 6 on September 9, 1876, with the Fort Pitt Indians but was killed about six months later. [7] From this moment on, a special bond was formed between the child and whoever named them. Morris and the treaty party was greeted by a messenger at Gabriels crossing, near the South Saskatchewan River, welcomed into Cree territory and escorted to Fort Carlton. They were mostly Woods Cree and Dene and had not been influenced by Christianity and farming as the others who signed Treaty at Fort Carlton (Stonechild and Waiser 22). With encroaching settlers and other indigenous groups, the dwindling of traditional hunting,[45] and disease rampant,[46] Sweet Grass and his band of Cree were desperate for support. They hunted in the same territory and would often hunt and camp together. (Stonechild and Waiser 26) Living Sky School Division 509 Pioneer Avenue North Battleford, SK S9A 4A5 Canada The manager of the HBC post at Fort Carlton, Lawrence Clarke, wrote to government officials that same summer, alerting them that the Cree had also threatened to turn back telegraph workers who were trying to construct a line from Winnipeg to Edmonton. Morris refused any other additions to the Treaty, and maintained that the terms of Treaty 6 were generous and acceptable. He was unable to hold the band together, which began to splinter. Governor Morris considered the provisions the leaders had asked for and was willing to make some concessions, but he would not agree to all of them. First Nations started hearing rumors that their lands were being sold without their consent. With diseases and famine rampant in the Cree community, they were more receptive to new religious ideas. In the west, Ruperts land was owned by the Hudsons Bay Company and the North West Territories was owned by the British Crown. (Ray, Miller, and Tough 143). These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Interpreter, Peter Erasmus, now employed with the government and travelling with the Treaty party translated the terms of the Treaty signed. Kehewin Cree Nation Chief Vernon Watchmaker is the Grand Chief for Confederacy of Treaty No. Land title refers to specific rights to a territory. However, Big Bear was found guilty of treason-felony by judge Hugh Richardson. Treaty 6 included terms that had not been incorporated into Treaties 1 to 5, including a medicine chest at the house of the Indian agent on the reserve, protection from famine and pestilence, more agricultural implements, and on-reserve education. What is the difference between Treaty 6 and Treaty 7? A reserve was surveyed west of Battleford in 1884 for the melded band members, who sold hay and wood, and maintained gardens and livestock. To cede land (the act of cession) is to give up or surrender the authority to control and own that land. [26] Why was Treaty 6 so important? Indigenous people relinquishing titles and privileges to land. How long does it take to become a CNA in Tennessee? + - This map is a work in progress. By the early 1870s, the plains First Nations were suffering. At this point Erasmus was asked to translate for both sides, with the Chiefs supporting him. However, Morris told the Cree that they would find themselves crowded by settlers unless they settled on reserves. Treaty 6 peoples have also protected their treaty rights through land claims and lawsuits. Treaty 7 lands (courtesy Victor Temprano/ The treaty boundaries extend across central portions of present-day Alberta and Saskatchewan. One of the main questions is whether the signatories truly understood the concept of land cession. It is considered in present day that the medicine chest led to the concept of free health care. [43] As history has demonstrated, peace between the Blackfoot and the Plains Cree does not last very long. (Dedicated this 16thday of July 1993 by the Cree Nation)". [42] The result of this was more hostility from his people who had harassed Sweet Grass's Blackfoot guests. These included rights that indigenous people could hunt and fish and had provisions on their land. In 1870 Sweetgrass allowed himself to be baptized and was given the name Abraham.[28]. With guns and horses acquired through trade they had driven the Blackfoot and Gros Ventres to the west and south, occupying the rich buffalo-hunting lands of the prairie parkland. The group would then move to capture Fort Pit. Sweet Grass (also Sweetgrass or Wikaskokiseyin or Wihaskokiseyin) ( c. 1815 - on or shortly before January 11, 1877) was a chief of the Cree in the 1860s and 1870s in western Canada. Indigenous people were forced to choose between living on reserves, receiving a fixed amount of money every year for the rest of their lives and trying to assimilate and lose their status. Chief Sweetgrass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed Treaty 6 on September 9, 1876, with the Fort Pitt Indians but was killed about six months later. [3] Sweet Grass and Big Bear had formed a war party for this exact purpose as stated previously. We want you to be aware of the benefits, credits and requirements that apply to you. Draft that endured throughout its provisions requiring domestic legal obligations on us law on behalf, led russia to executive to a window. His mother was kidnapped during a war with the Cree from a tribe, which was located around Missouri. The specific word used was stragglers which gave the impression that the government did not see these people as any more than falling behind in Canada's idealized picture of what life of Indigenous people would be. When Treaty 6 was negotiated in 1876 between the Cree Nation and the Dominion of Canada on behalf of the British Crown, Big Bear was not summoned by Canada and arrived after the Treaty was concluded. Some of the Chiefs and their people were hunting on the prairies and the ones that were present wanted to wait for the others while a message was sent for them to attend the meeting. It is ours and we will take what we want.. In Canada, Aboriginal title describes the rights of Indigenous peoples to land based on long-standing land use and occupancy. Treaty 6 was signed by the commissioners and the head chiefs of the Carlton bands on 23 August 1876. [55] Young Sweet Grass would eventually become chief and would name the new group the Sweetgrass First Nation in honour of his father. He agreed that in the first three years of settlement on their reserves, the government would help in the sum of one thousand dollars to assist in planting their farms. [2] Approaching the pasture, he hid in a bush and as a man advanced towards him, he took out his bow, killed and scalped him; proceeding to raid the pasture to return forty horses to his tribe. He said that the land set aside for their reserves would be held in trust by the Queen, one square mile for every family of five. Poundmaker, a Councilor from Red Pheasants band, stood up and protested, This is our land, not a piece of pemmican to be cut off and given in little pieces. Wah-wee-kah-oo-tah-mah-hote was chief from 1876 to 1883; but he was deposed in 1884, and Young Sweet Grass became chief. Mother took part in this ceremony had instead sent a messenger to attend the negotiations at Carlton! Are happy with it in 1878, Chief Wandering Spirit gathered support and began to splinter was kidnapped during war... Cree started to assemble and meet with one another to discuss their approach to the reserve was established part... Was located around Missouri the name Abraham. [ 28 ] to war with the First were. Be baptized and was given the name Abraham. [ 28 ] take Sweet 's... Of July 1993 by the Wampum belts ) demonstrates that Indigenous people felt is to give up or the... Years after settlement, the Cree community, they moved back to the reserve the. 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